I was offered the very generous opportunity to try some Waliki brand toys and I thought I'd share my review with you guys. :) This company has so many different types of hop balls in adult and child sizes along with stuffed toys. I cannot wait to see what they come out with next.
Rich the Ostrich:
$10.99 w/Prime shipping

I really liked this ostrich for myself but my kids decided they needed
to confiscate it as soon as it came out of the box. The only complaint I
have is that the white fluffy part sheds EVERYWHERE. I had to groom my
ostrich after taking it out of it's egg because the white fuzzies were
everywhere. The ostrich is so soft and it was pretty easy to get in and
out of it's egg which you stuff into itself like a Popple. It has a very
sturdy zipper on it that I know will make it through the roughness of
two kids. The ostrich is now living in my kids room on a shelf. I would
highly recommend these toys to anyone including kids of all ages and
adults who think they are still kids like myself.
Lala the Dinosaur:
10.99 w/Prime shipping
This dino is so soft and cuddly. My kids have had a ball taking it in and out of it's "egg" which is contained in a zipper on it's belly. It reminds me of a Popple that I had when I was a kid where it rolls up inside of itself. It was a bit difficult the first couple of times that we took it in and out because of the dino's huge head but we eventually figured out that the legs go first then the head last. My one year old nephew came to visit and tried his best to snatch this from my kids but they weren't having any of it. I finally had to get my kids to put it up in their room to keep it away from his busy little fingers. My kids are 11 and 12 while my nephew is only one so that is a very wide range of ages that this toy is liked by. The toy is a velour or chenille-like feel and it makes just want to rub my face on it.
Company's picture. I forgot to take a picture without kids on it. LOL |
$29.99 w/Prime shipping.
All Available Kid's Hop Balls |
I am so excited that I got this bouncy reindeer for my little cousin who
is three. I thought this would be a perfect gift for him. When he saw
this deer, he was over the moon excited but still a little apprehensive
about the whole thing! His older brother was the one who initially
wanted to play with it and had to show him the ropes on how to ride it.
The three year old soon came around and was bouncing all over the house.
I was just happy he liked it. The cover is so soft and I think that it
will last for a long time even with constant torture from two boys.
deer comes with an air pump, extra air hole plugs and the super soft
deer cover which zips over the inner bouncy ball. The cover would easily
be washable and the bouncy ball would be able to be used even while the
cover is off of it because the handles are attached to the ball part. I
would recommend putting the cover over the ball before blowing up even
though the cover can be put on it after the ball is blown up.

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