Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Allprovide Dog Food Initial Review








 Buy here 

1st Time Starter Box, Save 50%, Beef, Chicken + Turkey (9lbs) 

  • $36.60 OR.......

    50% OFF--$18.30 w/coupon code "STARTERBOX" 

     You received 3lbs Beef, 3lbs Chicken, and 3lbs Turkey individually packaged.
    They also have individually priced packages:
    Review: I recently got to test out fresh dog food from a company named Allprovide. I didn't really know what to expect so when I received a package from Fedex that was cold packed/frozen, I was very curious as to what I had gotten myself into testing because I've never purchased fresh dog food. We usually buy kibble for our dogs.

     I got the package opened up and found 9 packages of frozen meat. I was very pleased with the attention to detail and the ingredients listing and preparation instructions. I let two packages thaw out for my two mini-Schnauzers and when I opened the meat, it honestly looked like hamburger or sausage that you buy in the grocery store for a person.

    The instructions stated that you could feed the product to the dog raw but smaller breeds may have stomach issues with the raw food. I think my dogs are considered medium sized or at least on the bigger end of small sized so I cooked the two packages.The last thing I need is to have two dogs with bellyaches and the accompanying mess. No, thank you. LOL

    The food didn't have a funky smell and looked very appealing while cooking. Both of the dogs were sitting at my feet as if they knew that I was making them something. It was kind of funny to see actually. I could have prepared only one package because two was way too much for one feeding for my dogs. I let the food cool and stuck it in a ziploc and saved it for the next day. My dogs loved it and didn't have any stomach upset. I will continue to feed the remaining packages and report back. :)

    Company info:
    Allprovide's fresh dog food is made from all-natural, restaurant quality ingredients. The food can be served naturally (raw) or cooked in its microwavable pouches. It comes frozen and should be refrigerated. ​Meal options include chicken, turkey or beef and the recipes are gluten, grain and soy free for dogs sensitive to allergies.

    It is a natural, healthy alternative to highly processed, pre-packaged kibbles that are made with chemicals and byproducts.

    Our dog food uses only USDA select meats and USDA grade A poultry. We blend these together with wholesome, fresh vegetables and all natural ingredients to produce balanced complete meals that meet the AAFCO guidelines for nutrition. Allprovide foods are based on the Bone and Raw food diet, but made convenient and safe. We are proud to say that our pet food is made in America and we only buy human grade, restaurant quality ingredients as our goal is to make the best pet foods possible.

    Allprovide is based out of Norcross, Georgia where they’ve invested $2 million in a state-of-the-art, climate controlled facility. The fresh ingredients come from select Georgia farmers and farmers’ markets and all of the food is triple-tested for quality.

    Product received in exchange for review.

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